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    ***FACT: AMERICAN GIRL, BITTY BABY and BABY BORN DOLLS are considered the SAME SIZE DOLL! The difference is in the length of their LEGS--So PANTS for Girl dolls will be TOO LONG for Bitty because her legs are too short (BUT BABY BORN has longer legs). MAXI DRESSES will mostly be too long. The FOOT DIFFERENCE is very small so most people BUY SHOES THAT WILL ALSO FIT THE GIRL DOLL their daughter will add later on. Shoes identified for Bitty Baby-only WILL NOT fit the 18 inch Girl Dolls!***
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Casual Outfits 18 inch American Girl Doll Clothes

Keep her doll's wardrobe up-to-the-moment with every season when you shop at Lovvbugg! Our cute, casual outfits in our wide selection are available in a variety of patterns, colors, cuts and styles. Girls of all ages will enjoy our fun, casual clothing for 18-inch dolls. From relaxed leggings to vacation-ready wear, you can easily mix and match our assortment of separates and coordinating sets. You will spark your daughter's fashion sense and imagination. She will enjoy the adorable looks she’ll create, while you lovv the savings at Lovvbugg! You will also lovv the free shipping on orders over $100.

Items are not official Mattel/American Girl brand unless otherwise stated.